
Happy Father's Day to Martin and Chris Kratt!!! ‍‍


Congratulations to the Kratts brothers... Hip, hip, hurray!


Wattpad took down another of my stories - Tease - and it may be a matter of time before my account is deleted. I may beat them to it. Isn't that the best way to protest The Purge? But for now, I'm staying. I still need to transfer my stories over to AO3.


@Vyxxxen For real, man. I'm probably gonna switch my drafts and fics over to Ao3 because they don't take them down.


@TyeTanic671 it is disheartening. They are coming at the people who made the site what it was, a fanfiction haven.


@Vyxxxen That's so awful. I'm fearful that will happen to me because Wattpad seems to be doing that to so many people as of late. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors!


So Wattpad removed one of my stories ... Risk ... it's been up there for years, not sure why it was taken down. But you can also find me and all my works on AO3 under urbanwolf1.


@RosaliaStockhausen thank you, I was shocked myself!! It was a basic one-shot, so if they had an issue with that, oh boy ...


@Vyxxxen  I'm sorry this happened... it's really a shame because the story was good!


Go check the stories there!
            GO GO GO!




@Vyxxxen Hooray for Martin Kratt! And many years of life, full of joy, for him and his family...


@Vyxxxen May he look as good at 58 as he did at 30! XD


          You achieved 10K READS/HITS for "What If?"!
          I can't put emojis here, so imagine there's a cake: 


            Not 100, but still worthy of celebrating!


Hello! I have an interesting question.
          Out of all the works you've written, do you have a favourite scene, or a particular one that you're really proud of?
          If you don't have a favourite scene (or if it's too tough to decide) what's one of the scenes that came out better than you expected?
          It can be from a longfic or a one shot, and either a Wild Kratts work or not.
          You can also say you have multiple favourites too.
          No limits here.


this message may be offensive
@Vyxxxen Damn!
            That's one hell of a scene!
            (Reference may or may not have been intended. XD)
            Good pick!
            Elizabeth looks like a really cool character too.
            Or maybe I just really like swords. XD
            Also to dislocate a shoulder and not even peep is a good damn accomplishment. Holy shit. XD
            Does it actually make you more flexible? I have my doubts, but considering how the joints are, there may be some truth to it.
            Thank you so much for taking the time to answer!


Here is part of the scene I wrote that is my very favorite in all my works: Elizabeth jabbed the rapier forward and then lunged back. She did it over and over until her thighs ached. Next she attempted her new move she had been working on but not yet achieved: a backwards cartwheel while leaving her ‘weaponized’ arm straight out. She tried again and again until she was soaked with sweat. She completed the rotation but at the last minute her sword arm went up in the air and followed her progression backwards. She dropped her sword and clutched her shoulder. The joint was too stiff.  
            Her mother clutched her arm. “No. No mama. Don’t,” sobbed Lizzie. Her breath came in rapid gasps of panic. 
            “Repeat after me: A defender of the queen’s watchdog will endure all.”  
            “A defender … of the Queen’s Guard Dog will endure all,” she whimpered. Her mother nodded in satisfaction. 
            Crack! Lizzie let out a piercing wail. 
            “All,” repeated Frances. 
            End of flashback
            The deliberate dislocating and relocating of her joints had made Elizabeth flexible in combat. She just needed to loosen up. With a face of stone, she punched the wall until she felt her shoulder give. With a pop, she replaced it. Though her knees felt like jelly, she tried the move again. It worked.  
            “God help anyone on the end of Elizabeth Midford’s sword,” said Frances, who had been watching. Lizzie allowed herself a tiny smile.  
            @KayWDubs, this isn't one of my more popular Wattpad stories, not by far. 4K may seem like a lot of views but not for a 36-chapter longfic. And that honestly surprised and disappointed me, because I threw in all kinds of ships so there would be something for everyone. But, I am still really proud of the work I put into it. 
            A while after my fic was published, someone made an AMV that really illustrated the gap or dichotomy that I was talking about. I have watched this video so many times.
            Anyway, thank you for asking this question.


@KayWDubs okay I had to really think about it. It is in Kuroshitsuji: I Never Asked You. And it wasn't when Wolfram confessed he loved Sieglinde. It wasn't when they first kissed, when he carried her over the threshhold or consummated the marriage. It wasn't even about them. It is the scene where Elizabeth Midford is training and she has a flashback. Her mother was the former "wife of the queen's watchdog," which if you don't read the Black Butler manga by Yana Toboso, is a bodyguard to Queen Victoria's "watchdog," who keeps an eye on the goings-on in London's underworld. 
            Lizzy wasn't even supposed to be such a strong character in my story, but it just really has never been explained how such a cute, cheerful girl has this dark side as a lethal swordswoman. To me, the key had to be her mother. I think Francis Midford  broke her daughter physically and mentally to mold her into this fighter.


My cat had surgery and that's why I've been gone. It was an ordeal emotionally and financially. But she is recovering well. Will update stories in a day or two.


@Vyxxxen Oof.
            To be honest, I don't know how to respond to that.
            But I hope it won't be too much trouble for her.
            Best of luck!


@KayWDubs she is she had all her teeth pulled 


@Vyxxxen Hope your cat will be alright! 