
Happy New Year!!!



@newaccountwhothis Looks interesting, I will check it out


So I'm going to go on a little rant about what happened to me today.
          So I was going to lunch and I was looking at my text messages, and on my camp group chat some of the other people were saying hello and hi. So I decided to just say hey (I texted "hey" an hour later but I didn't think anyone would care). In at least a minute of me sending that text message some random person on the group chat said:
          "pick me "
          So I texted back:
          Then they texted back: 
          "ur a pick me for texting hi that late"
          At this point I showed it to my girlfriend who was sitting with me at lunch and we together decided that I should sent a Ranboo meme the said "excuse me?" 
          I sent it and we both laughed at it and continued with our lunch.
          When I got home from school I looked at my texts to see that the same random person texted back saying:
          "what's even more pick me is that I bet you think you're quirky for sending a dream meme that I bet you saved and were looking for an excuse to use"
          When I saw that I literally burned out with laughter. This person who I don't know (and I bet they had no clue who I was either) is calling me a pick me girl when they called Ranboo, Dream. Also yes I did have that meme saved for a time like that, why else would I have used it. 
          I ended up leaving the group chat because that was not the first time somebody has been an ass to me or to somebody else and I was just tired of seeing it.


@Ronanfarrell They are somewhere in Atlanta, Georgia


@W0lfCloud001 people are assholes *grabs baseball bat* do you think you could find out their address? 


Happy New Years guys!!!!