Hey Everyone!
I lost my first account awhile back. But now I'm back:)
I use to be W0lfGirl3, and I lost everything, so for those who were my friends, I'm gonna find you again:)

My ships:
Jelsa--(because that was the first ship I discovered and I am loyal)
Hiccelsa--(because I LOVE them)
MariChat--(because they are perfect)
Adrianette--(because they are meant to be together)
Lukanette--(because I like a little challenge and from what hear Luka is really sweet:))
Hiccstrid--(because they were the first, and they were meant to be and also Astrid is Amazing!)
My Favorite Sport in the World is the PBR! (Professional Bull Riding)
  • SumaliJanuary 20, 2020

Huling Mensahe
W0lfGirl33 W0lfGirl33 Mar 12, 2020 05:45PM
Stay Safe With The Coronavirus going around!:)
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni Kolbarbie
W0lfGirl's Random Thoughts ni W0lfGirl33
W0lfGirl's Random Thoughts
This is just a book where I can post my random Thoughts, Conversations, Updates, etc.!
10 Mga Reading List