
Im starting school this Monday, so I might not be able to update very often, but I will try to put in at least some short one shots.


What is that one angst story that you cannot believe you read, you don't have to remember the name of u don't but just give a lil' summary. I'll go first, it was this one Harry Potter angst, and it was drarry basically the story was about how Draco apologized for everything he did and he came playing and said he loved Harry. Harry did not love him back and was just using him, he took draco's first time as well. The last episodes come in and it's almost the last episode Draco over here's Harry talking to Ron about how he took draco's first time and how Draco was stupid and an idiot.
          What he didn't know was that Draco had depression especially from his home.
          After Draco heard that he cried and cried, I think he told Harry but I don't remember when, but after he cried and cried he started to cut himself and then slowly he began to want to die more and more, so he made up a day where he hung himself and killed himself. Later that day while he died it wasn't too long before pansy came and was looking for Draco and then she saw him and she screamed everybody started coming over there and that's when everybody saw that Draco was dead. The last one to see was Harry.