
Walker World Stories - The Aviation Movie.
          	Intro - March 7th. 
          	Level 1 - March 8th. 
          	Level 2 - March 12th.
          	Level 3 - March 13th.
          	Conclusion - March 15th. 
          	Join me on this journey as we follow Jack's story in the Aviation Movie. Buckle up and get ready for the ride. - #24553


Walker World Stories - The Aviation Movie.
          Intro - March 7th. 
          Level 1 - March 8th. 
          Level 2 - March 12th.
          Level 3 - March 13th.
          Conclusion - March 15th. 
          Join me on this journey as we follow Jack's story in the Aviation Movie. Buckle up and get ready for the ride. - #24553


W4LK3R5_J01N? I’m the Walker #31224!


@Xx-GalaxyGamer-xX direct message him via Google hangouts, discord. 30841 btw. In still here spookie