Hello, random-ass human that has stumbled upon my insanely unimportant page. You obviously didn't get here purposefully because my page is absolute nothingness, but I guess since you're here, I'll share a few things.

~My username says "Why Not". The 4 is the h because I thought of when you type hello in a calculator and the upside-down 4 is h, so..
~I'm a junior (11th grader) and this year is going to kick my ass.
~I'm 16.
~I love Harry Potter.
~I'm obsessed with P!atd.
~I live by this Shakespeare quote: "Though she be but little, she is fierce."
~I'm 5'2, by the way.
~I will kick you if you use me as an armrest.
~I'm literally probably the shyest person you could probably ever meet.
~I have waist-length curly brown hair. I'm talking about the slightly frizzy ringlets that start about 3 inches after the root.

Yeah... I think that's it for now... Meh.
  • Ehh..
  • JoinedDecember 29, 2015

Last Message
W4yN0t W4yN0t Sep 12, 2016 04:00AM
Why must I torture myself by choosing the first and last Harry Potter movies to write an essay on? Every time I watch Fred die, a little piece of me dies with him, and I, honest to god, think that wa...
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