@WANJAIMEWGULF6. I'm a bit new to Wattpad. Can your fans get copies of the books or a way to access them? I just read 'Hired' and will re-read it. I would like to read some of your other works. 'Hired', has made me think of my life, and also explains some things that I didn't understand about gay relationships. I thought gay men only had sex doing what is called doggy style, got poop all over them and had cramps from the poop being shoved back up into them. I didn't mind a little smut in your book to help with my understanding. Your terminology is a little different than some others I have read with the smut and that is good for me. I want to let you know that this is the first comment that I've ever written on Wattpad, and I hope that you can do something so that people can re-read the stories, or read them for the first time. Your book has made me feel good and it makes me think about my relationship and how to make my family closer. I don't know you're background, but am from northeast, United States. I'm 50 years old and now think gay relationships are precious. With my daughter and her friends I have gained a better understanding. I get confused at the terminology, but between her and her friends I believe two are in transition, one female considers herself male, and my daughter sees herself as non-binary. I cannot imagine not accepting my child with who they want to be, even with prejudice taught to me as a child. When I was in high school around 16 years of age, if someone called you gay, it was mortifying and embarrasing. If I was male, I probably would have been beat up. You have helped me in understanding so much.
I want you to know that you have made a big difference in my life and I'm a little bit crying. Please consider letting people appreciate you're writing even ones at my age. I feel like my life will be better because of you. I am sure that there are plenty of others like me that haven't written their thoughts. Thank you for your time.