I'm blue. Daba dee daba die.

Anyone like my background? XD I made it myself.

I think I’ll be on later tonight :> might be a bit later than usually sorry

Imma be on later u-u

2020 is probably the worst year of most people's lives. I'm saying this now because of the obvious reasons, and the fact that my family has lost two beloved pets this year, and its very likely we'll lose another tonight or tomorrow morning.

@WASDragon noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :C

@WASDragon I don't want to go into detail, but one of them is dying. He's on his way to the vet, but he looks terrible, and I don't think he'll make it.

I'm here to complain again. And this time it's about a real problem. So my mother and the three of us kids stay home as much as we can and only leave to shop, take a pet to get a check-up, or go to the doctor. We wear masks and use handsanitizer and try to follow the rules. And then my DAD is talking to an old co-worker/friend in his car. They are not six feet apart, they are not wearing masks, and they will probably not use handsanitizer or wash their hands. No. They are sitting right next to each other. They may as well spit on each other's faces. And there's nothing I can do about it. I'm just a kid AND a girl, so my opinion and my advice doesn't matter. My dad could talk to this guy on the phone, but no, both of these men are being careless and are acting like it's not 2020 and you can do whatever the heck you want. This guy is also old, so he's more at risk of getting it. So thanks for possibly getting us sick and yourself sick for no freaking reason. End of rant. I'm so mad, I wish I could scream.

And then my sister tells me not to say a word about it to our dad. What really pees me off is that he can wear a mask and follow rules any other time, but when he's talking to and is around ONE person, it's okay not to. He's an adult, shouldn't he be making wise decisions? I'm a teenager, I know better than to do something completely idiotic such as this. I love my dad with all my heart, though most of the time I don't understand why he does this and why he thinks it's okay.

Weird things that bother me: When people stand behind me. It's like they're watching everything I'm doing. And you're more vulnerable to an attack if the person executes it from behind you. Tigers like to sneak up on unsuspecting prey that has its back turned, so people wear masks on the back of their heads to deter them. I'm 99% sure this isn't irrational, unless I was afraid of tigers. There would be more reason to be afraid of getting mugged (though my town has a low crime rate) than being attacked by a tiger.

My idiot neighbor has two new cats. Yay. She will probably let them roam the neighborhood and kill the poor birds. >:( Then when they are old enough, they'll multiply. And because she's a snob and keeps her yard 'absolutely perfect', her house is probably spotless on the inside, and cats just undo perfection. So out the cats go, to be evil monsters, make more little monsters, and either get hit (thus making her adopt MORE) or disappear. I hate my neighbors. I wish they would go jump off a microwave.

Cookies should be called bakies, since you usually bake them in an oven. But baking is cooking, so I guess it doesn't matter. What are your thoughts?

@WASDragon no cuz cookie monster would need to change his name and santa would need to eat bakies then :C