Bellamy (To Clarke): This isn't about Cadogan. It's bigger than any of us.
[Clarke points her gun back at Bellamy]
Clarke: Don't make me do this.
Bellamy: You're not gonna shoot me, Clarke. The bridge will close. You should go.
Clarke: Not without that book.
Bellamy: Look at yourself, what you feel right now, the need to protect someone you love so badly you're willing to kill your closest friend., someone you trust who's telling you that the fate of the entire human race is at stake.
[Clarke starts to sob]
Bellamy: All that suffering can end. Madi's suffering too. I have no choice but to share this.
Clarke: I can't let them hurt her.
Bellamy: This is how we do better. This is the only way. I'm sorry.
Clarke: Me, too
[Clarke shoots Bellamy in the heart resulting in his death]