@ WELOVEKAYFLOCK I'm not surprised, it's a bit what happened to Edot,he cried for help,but no one checked on him and only said that he looked for attention,now since he died all that fake sympathy is all the show for him "RIP Edot." "We should had checked on him,he wasn't very well." "Check on your people mental health." It's a sad world we live in when when it comes to mental health and suicide,they dont care and say rude things until it's too late. I'm sure that if he did that sucide attempt, people who say those vile things will suddenly show fake sympathy like "Omg,pray for Dougie." "We can't lose him." " So much potential." " I hope they save him." when it would had been too late. People don't care until it's too late. Matter of fact, I lost all hope when it come to drill music fans with mental health, addiction and suicide,they don't truly care about their fave rappers when they are in needing of help,but when it's late they show condolences. Most of them fans have fake love for drill artists, unpopular opinion. If they cared,they would had show true sympathy when they are in pain,not when it's too late like Edot. Also,they won't to tell artists to kill themselves and wishing bad on them like that. Drill music fans,not all but most are fake and hypocrites,it's sad at this point. This fandom is hopeless when it comes to that.