Have you stoped writing?☹
I liked your stories a lot
Even now I think about them
Really good stories
I just want to know if you want to conyinue them
I really like your “Butterfly Fairy” storyy~~ And i’ve started the book 2 long long time ago but i cant seem to find it now T-T anyways wanted to cheer you up~! You’re a great writing ♥️ hwaitinggg~~!! ♥️
@wheeinthemoood thank you~ I appreciate your encouraging wordssss ♡♡ I'm sorry about Book 2, I took it down for the time being, I had to finish two other books before I open Book 2 back up again! Dont worry, I didn't delete it! Thank you for ur patience Dear Reader ♡♡♡
Hello!!! Ufffff It's been a long time no?
Well I just came here to say, and remind you, just in case you forget it, how wonderful and amazing you are ❤️❤️❤️ love you! Stay healthy and be careful, you pretty creature.
yellow, i dont know English so ahh one of you followers is helping me to read your books and they are really good! if you dont understand something her its because i am trying to write this with no ones help
Darling!!! Do you mind it if I call you that?
Nevermind you see everytime you update anyone of your books I feel like I already gave you a whole floor in that building I have for heart but you always surpass the boundaries
(Tell me if I misspelled something please)
@some97 loll!!! I don't think u misspelled anything hahahah~ just punctuations but who am I to judge? I'm not THE perfect writer hahaha but thank you, dear reader!! I'm glad u love me and my books haha~ I really appreciate ur love and comments GURL (´ε` ) keep stick around for more than u can ever bare, hehehehehhe