oKAY so now i'm actually back. sorry i took such a long break, but i will begin writing again soon :) 


PLEASE READ: if you guys can, please keep a girl named neleah in your prayers tonight and for some days forward. she has gone missing as of this morning and no one knows where she is. please pray for her and her family as they deal with this at this difficult time. 


i want a relationship where it's not going to last 2 weeks. i want it to be something serious; where both our feelings are mutual & we love each other for who we are. & we don't care about who's friends with who and what they think. it would be just me n him.. we wouldn't need anyone else to make us happy. 


hi everyone. im sorry to those who have been reading my books that i just deleted or the book i have ongoing right now. a lot has happened these past six months and i have/need time to regain my own happiness before i can make others happy. i really hope you all understand that i am writing in the background but i'm just not publishing anything until i think i can be committed to writing once again. thank you.