
          Some promoting for me, and then for a friend: 
          Could you please read my stories Where is Jared, or Last to Know? 
          Where is Jared: Awesome mystery, with a bit of romance! My most popular one!! :D
          Last To Know: this one’s a  romance, strictly romance. But lots of twists in this one! And it’s on hold…. A little disappointing.
          And also check out my poems… under ‘My poems: ALL ME!!’ any of that would be great!!
          For my friend: eclipse3318~~ 
          A Second Chance… our first completed story, it’s posted on my page and hers… :D so read if you’d like to! :D 
          And her awesome story ‘A wish that was the Cure’ it’s amazing true to the heart story, and we’d both love for you to read it! :D Thanks so much for your time.