If I'm not diagnosed it cant hurt me.


Ya'll, how the hell did imaginary friends work for you guys???? I just had the ability for two people to talk in my head, one of em was named John and the other was named Lady and now they're my two personas I switch to from time to time-
          Help I think I'm insane-


Uh oh. Marvel fandom hit me like Steve hitting Tony with his shield. Oh god it's already starting, next thing you know; my account will be Marvel themed and I might convert my friend.


this message may be offensive
@WINT3R_S0LDAT  :Cum joke here: for no fucking reason


@WINT3R_S0LDAT  You did not just Han Solo me-


Do you guys ever just watch something and go
          "don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh don't laugh-"


@L0CAL_C0WB0Y  i saw this post where a girl went 'i like to pretend im elegent sometimes' and im like 'yea you bet on the pretend part sweetie.'


@RubberChickenArmy123 I swear it's starting to become a habit.


Darn, now that I think about it, I'm an ace. Yes, I've read quite a few things that had 'that', but I think I was there because of how good they write. I admire the writing mostly... And also the characters. I've felt this way for a while now, I started reading some Ace! Readers and have been noticing things about myself recently, which I used to think was abnormal(It's not), one day I had a Eureka moment that consisted of; "Wait a moment, Siri, stop playing Johnny Cash." "Ohh.. Oh. Oh! Okay!"
                     And yes, I have been known to experiment to what felt right, but this just feels, dunno, correct? I don't know how my official partner in crime feels about it, but I hope to find out soon.
                     But, yes, partners. I enjoy kisses as much as anyone else does. Especially them little forehead and temple kisses. Makes me have weak knees.