
"My Sajang nim!"
          	 Current status: Rewriting
          	 1000 years swordmans
          	 Current status: Nearing completed 
          	Rosario Vampire (Viet ver)
          	 Current status: Plot arrangement
          	This is just a small announcement to let everyone know the status of my story writing!
          	I write fic because of passion, I don't dare to hope that my work will be noticed, so I can't guarantee that the progress of updating chapters will be posted regularly to satisfy readers!
          	Thank you very much to the readers who happen to know my series and support it!


@WLIzone I'll wait as long as it takes! the responsibilities of university and work make the wait shorter... Still, dear author, I hope you are well! thank you so much


"My Sajang nim!"
           Current status: Rewriting
           1000 years swordmans
           Current status: Nearing completed 
          Rosario Vampire (Viet ver)
           Current status: Plot arrangement
          This is just a small announcement to let everyone know the status of my story writing!
          I write fic because of passion, I don't dare to hope that my work will be noticed, so I can't guarantee that the progress of updating chapters will be posted regularly to satisfy readers!
          Thank you very much to the readers who happen to know my series and support it!


@WLIzone I'll wait as long as it takes! the responsibilities of university and work make the wait shorter... Still, dear author, I hope you are well! thank you so much


"My Sajang nim!" 
          Hiện trạng: Đang rewrite 
          1000 years swordmans
          Hiện trạng: Sắp hoàn thành
          (ĐN) Rosario Vampire
          Hiện trạng: Sắp xếp cốt truyện
          Đây chỉ là thông báo nhỏ để mọi người nắm chắc tình hình viết truyện của mình!
          Mình viết fic vì đam mê, không dám tham vọng tác phẩm sẽ được chú ý vì vậy mình không đảm bảo tiến trình cập nhật chap sẽ được đăng tải đều đặn để thỏa lòng người đọc!
          Rất cảm ơn những reader tình cờ biết đến các bộ truyện của mình và ủng hộ nó!