This is going to be a very silent and short message: Suki is not going to participate writing in World Domination anymore. They’ve kinda gotten over the AU a little, so I’ll be taking over the AU entirely (unless I invite someone else to collaborate… which would probably be another close friend in our group ). Although they quit in managing and writing WD, they may advertise or draw scenes from it later in the future!
For now, please be patient in the writing of it (although I have been kinda lazy and busy lately ), I swear by HEART I would never quit writing this, as World Domination means a lot to me and I want to at least get half of it done before I ever quit (even then it’s unlikely that I’d quit unless I get extremely busy to the point I cannot dedicate time to this…).
If I do quit, I will make a video on my YouTube channel revealing ALL the lore plotted for this, and fans of this AU can still make fan-content or even their own interpretations of WD!! I personally love knowing everything in a fandom, and I feel it’s quite a shame if people quit without any further explanation of their stories/plots.
Thank you all!