But really it's a lot of themes. Do you even have spare time. I'm trying to write 2 books at a time and it's not turning out so great. How do you manage your time. Also from your reply I got that you update when you feel like you want to update and what theme it will be. I know you might not reply to this, but I can't not say this. On your facts about boys, some I couldn't get. I agree with most and all, but you contradict yourself. Also on why boys are better than girls, I don't understand that either. Yes boys are stronger and faster, that's how evolution changed them. But women have to go through birth, periods and have to shave. That's not even all there's plenty more where that came from. Women and men are equals, but if women wanted to takeover the world it is possible. Because they can have a child without men, of course it would be a exact match and carry the same diseases, but men need women to creat a child. Or in simpler terms, without women men are screwed. Sorry for typing such a long rant, I tend to do that. And yup. Ok well this is awkward. Bye.