
I am getting messages about the extension and I know, I'm sorry. I want you to know that I have not forgotten you! In 5 months I will do my finals and after those I will have free time to work on the extension. Thank you for your patience!


I am getting messages about the extension and I know, I'm sorry. I want you to know that I have not forgotten you! In 5 months I will do my finals and after those I will have free time to work on the extension. Thank you for your patience!


I am aware of the current update of the Wattpad layout, and that it looks pretty bad with the extension enabled. Due to an upcoming testweek and mental health issues the development rate is at 0%. Until the next update feel free to turn off the extension, I will notify you when you can turn it back on again.


The update with changes to the most important and most used parts of the website is ready, sadly a bit later than I wanted to due to personal stuff. I wanted to upload it just now, but I can't log in to the developer portal so I have to wait 6 hours to be able to reset my password.  In the mean time I will work on some of the less important parts of the site so you can all enjoy the extension more while I work on a new extension that requires no more updates. 
          I'll keep you all updated.


Hey there,
          I want to thank you all for getting me to this insane milestone of 10.000 installs on the extension. When I started working on this extension merely as a joke to my friends I didn't even think about actually uploading it and when my friends pushed me to do so, I really didn't expect it to reach this far. Thanks a lot for that!
          Now, with the exciting news for me out of the way, some exciting news for you guys! In the upcoming days I will be working on an update for the extension, which will (hopefully) be the last update to this horribly coded version of this extension.
          This extension is now quite old, and in the meanwhile I have upped my coding skills. The way this extension is coded is insanely inefficient, meaning I have to keep updating which is annoying for me and just as annoying for you. But now, I will be working on a new version of the extension that will keep the amount of work I need to do minimal and the amount of reading/writing pleasure for you optimal.
          There is a slight catch though, as of next wednesday I will be starting my final exam year, which is going to be insanely busy for me. This means I won't have as much time to code the new version as fast as I would want to. So if I may use this expression again: please bear with me here.
          Anyways, this message is starting to become it's own book. I hope you're as excited as I am and I wish you a lot of fun reading, writing and browsing Wattpad!
          TL;DR : Thanks for the 10.000 installs, there will be a quick update in the near future and there will be a bigger update in the future.


@JohnJacksonFreeze No problem! Btw I like your pfp


Dear beloved people that read this,
          I will start this message with the main thing that I want to tell you. After more than a year of keeping track with Wattpad updates and updating my extension, I have come to the conclusion that I no longer want to keep this project up. My interests have sparked in other coding projects, and as my way of programming for this extension is outdated and I don't have the motivation or time to start working on a better solution (for now!) I have decided to drop this project.
          For the people that still want Wattpad in a constant dark mode, check out some of the handy general dark mode extensions in the Chrome web store. My personal favorite is "Dark Theme - Dark Reader for Chrome". It allows you to change everything to your liking and to blacklist any site you want. 
          Am I ever coming back to this project? Maybe. If at any moment I feel the motivation to start firing up this project in a better way again, I will come back. Until then, there will be no other activity from this account.
          I also want to thank every one of the 6849 of you lovely people that have supported me by installing my extension, the 51 of you that have followed my account, the 38 of you that have left a review on my extension and the few of you that have actively advertised the extension. 
          With that said, once again thank you all, and maybe we'll see eachother again in the future.


@WP_Dark_Mode Completely understandable. Though, I still hope you return one day. This extension is so good and so handy.


@WP_Dark_Mode ok!! cya l8er in the year!! >.<


A new UI change to the Library Page has changed the progress bars to dark grey and if you scroll down, there background becomes white


Thanks for giving me a heads up! Wattpad sadly updates slow for some people and it might take a day or two before I also have this problem and I can fix it


Thanks to everybody for sticking with the extension during last month. As some might have noticed, I haven't been working on the extension as my inspiration has sparked in my other hobbies. From now on I'll use my time to get this extension back up to date again.
          I have also been noticed by a very kind person that the library will show up in light mode again after scrolling down. As Wattpad updates earlier for one person and later for the other, I don't have this issue yet and I can't work on it.  I'll be checking every day to see if it's updated for me too, and I'll upload a new version once I fixed it. 
          I can't express my feelings enough, thanks a lot to the 5161 of you!