I'm back! I'mbackI'mbackI'mbackI'mbackI'mback! I just (sorta) updated my new story, Monsters. Okay so basically, I'm trying to make the story more mature (not in that way) so that it can fit how serious it will eventually get, so please don't get mad. AND PLEASE READ MY INPUT AT THE END AND COMMENT, PLEASE! I'm excited for whats to come and I'll see you guys next time. Bye!


I'm back! I'mbackI'mbackI'mbackI'mbackI'mback! I just (sorta) updated my new story, Monsters. Okay so basically, I'm trying to make the story more mature (not in that way) so that it can fit how serious it will eventually get, so please don't get mad. AND PLEASE READ MY INPUT AT THE END AND COMMENT, PLEASE! I'm excited for whats to come and I'll see you guys next time. Bye!


I forgot to mention this to you guys, but I do have a Tumblr. If you want you can follow me. My username is totalnerd789. If you don't follow me I don't mind. Although if you do, send me a message and tell me you 'met' me on Wattpad. I'd be so happy of you were from Wattpad! Thanks! Updates are being written! Bye!


The Vampire and The Vampire Slayer will be updated tomorrow, and Monsters will be updated either this weekend or next week. Please start commenting and voting on my stories! I know my stories are bad, but not that bad, right?! I love you all!