also sorry for literally no posts, i’m
          	basically taking a break ig, I plan to write again once I have a desk and somewhere to sit down and write but atm I do not have that. idk if i’ll get back into editing for my fic though, maybe one every so often bc I do have one in the works rn i’m just focusing on work and other things 


also sorry for literally no posts, i’m
          basically taking a break ig, I plan to write again once I have a desk and somewhere to sit down and write but atm I do not have that. idk if i’ll get back into editing for my fic though, maybe one every so often bc I do have one in the works rn i’m just focusing on work and other things 


is anyone else getting logged out every time they exit the app???


@WTFDIXON change your password type of deal 


@mpanzer what does that mean how do I protect them bc i’m loosing my mind having to relogin every time I open the damn app


It does that sometimes because of either your email or password being unprotected 


has anyone already put bob marley in the maze runner or am I thinking thoughts 


@dreammaster6 I haven’t heard anything lmao i’ll read it rn


@WTFDIXON haven't seen any but a head up there a new guidelines from wattpad  if u haven't heard


I know I can barely write twot but part of me wants to put the whitlocks in another universe to write their family dynamic and just to have them all alive and restore things (execpt for greggory he gets NO redemption).. I just don’t know what universe ): 


sorry for literally NO updates!! I haven’t been posting on tt bc of the music thingy that happened, and just bc I haven’t had motivation. I also haven’t been writing bc of motivation but also bc my fixated on rdr2 and busy with work LMAO i’ll try to get something out soon but please don’t execpt it within the next week or two, super busy lmao
          thank you guys for being so patient tho!! this chapter is gonna be a small turning point in the story, just a small one ;)