
Yeah so I'm back, I'm also kinda .... prepping myself to write again I guess you could say?? Haven't for a little and a bit rusty.. my job also keeps me busy so don't know if updates will be often... I'm currently storming up a plot though, but I have another story to finish before digging myself too deep, I've also grown comfortable in my body soo expect more!


@Waifuu12 also, for those wondering about my lack of uploading, I'm kinda taking things really slow since I only really started coming back in around December after everything started to calm, and also once again, my job, and school, all of it together is crazy busy, ANYWAYYYY THINGS WILL BE PRODUCED SOOONNNN


Yeah so I'm back, I'm also kinda .... prepping myself to write again I guess you could say?? Haven't for a little and a bit rusty.. my job also keeps me busy so don't know if updates will be often... I'm currently storming up a plot though, but I have another story to finish before digging myself too deep, I've also grown comfortable in my body soo expect more!


@Waifuu12 also, for those wondering about my lack of uploading, I'm kinda taking things really slow since I only really started coming back in around December after everything started to calm, and also once again, my job, and school, all of it together is crazy busy, ANYWAYYYY THINGS WILL BE PRODUCED SOOONNNN


I'm sorry guys, this girl isn't gonna be back for a reeeaaalllllyyyy long time.. she isn't dead or anything, but she won't be backkkkk... I'll tell her you guys love her and I'll keep an eye on her profile. She's okay, and I won't get into it much, she just won't be back for a long time. If yall have any questions, dm me <3


@Elii__xoxoxo I'm kinda late but thanks for telling us


Yellowww, I was super inspired by the Halloween special in the book "Your hips Your hands", so I was wondering if you would let me take a few lines/paragraphs from it and put it in my own words or style in my own parkster story and I will give you FULL credit for all of it.
          Also wanted to say keep up the good work, man.... And hope you have a great day!!!!!!


Go for it!! I wouldn’t mind<333 just credit