
@sprinkleofhayat Thankyou so much beautiful :)


@sprinkleofhayat You better take rest instead of writing about blood and sweat of fear. Injection isn't a good symptom since I've been injected since 2002 means I'm very much healthy *forget the year 2013 haha very much close to death* and Friday means tomorrow OMG I was going to start revising my all books for finals but not gonna happen until I read new update ;D And Lesley Get Well Soon Take care


@Wajeehaahsan Loll no blood in this chapter! :x Sighh I have an appt. Fri. morning so thats why the chapter will be out later in the day.  Aw, hope things cleared up for you! :/ GO REVISE! & thankyouuu :'D x


@oyelesleyyy @oyelesleyyy hi Lesley!!! I was little busy in some family issue and off course studies. What about you? Haven't seen you on twitter for long. Only two freaking awesome updates confirmed that Lesley is alive  whaooo updates in my ABSENCE what was that though Lesley? 


@Wajeehaahsan Make that THREE* updates [made a brand new story today xD] Oh, I check twitter frequently, I just don't tweet so much anymore haha. Ah studies -_- I understand, hope things are clearing up! :) I've been busy fluttering about with writing + studies + nap time :p loll