
Does anyone have screenshots of Jezebel’s Tale? I might be rewriting it and I really need some of the original story to start.


I hope you guys have been checking out my newest book, “Jezebel’s Tale”. Its a steamy, hardcore, and thrilling tale. That will have tons to keep you interested in. If you have already checked it out, please leave a little review in the comments. I would love to know what you think about it so far.


To all my fellow freaks out there, I just update my Alien Adductor and gave you guys a little steamy surprise.  ( ;


Well with books on Wattpad you start at the top and then read down. And I’m not sure what you mean by the order being off, my chapters  are in order of 1 to 11.


@Wallie-World  I'm so confused on how to read it cause I'm dislexia and I'm thinking you start from the bottom and make your way to the top
             I also have a question will you fix them and out them in order soon or are they going to stay like that?