
ATTENTION TO ALL MY PRECIOUS PEOPLE!!!! I am writing a book called Dystopia and will be uploaded by December 22 under the name BookAddictedAuthor. So if you see that book, make sure to read it, vote, comment and SHARE because I know y'all love me!! Thanks!


ATTENTION TO ALL MY PRECIOUS PEOPLE!!!! I am writing a book called Dystopia and will be uploaded by December 22 under the name BookAddictedAuthor. So if you see that book, make sure to read it, vote, comment and SHARE because I know y'all love me!! Thanks!


@WallsofWallflowers My precious people. I decree, because I love y'all, that I have published the prologue of my new book SIX DAYS EARLY. That gives you more time to read it and hopefully vote for it, and comment and share and LURV IT!!! SO GO FORTH AND READ!!!!!!!