
Hello everybody, I know you are all probably wondering when the next chapter will be out. And the truth is I don’t know when it’ll be out. I haven’t even started writing it yet, I have no idea what to write. If any one has any ideas or something they want to see in the next chapter please comment it here or message me. If you do send an idea or something you want to see, I will give credit to you if I decide to use it. 


Maybe we could see the core take over Y/n’s body like how we got Darcy but it’s Y/n instead 


@Walter-H-White One thing I'd like to see is the core digging through Y/n's memory learning what might make him a more suitable host than it originally thought


Hello everybody, I know you are all probably wondering when the next chapter will be out. And the truth is I don’t know when it’ll be out. I haven’t even started writing it yet, I have no idea what to write. If any one has any ideas or something they want to see in the next chapter please comment it here or message me. If you do send an idea or something you want to see, I will give credit to you if I decide to use it. 


Maybe we could see the core take over Y/n’s body like how we got Darcy but it’s Y/n instead 


@Walter-H-White One thing I'd like to see is the core digging through Y/n's memory learning what might make him a more suitable host than it originally thought