The 'ignorant' really does not know what she's talking about especially talking about governing system! She's like the useless spawn of her incompetent and shameless corrupt father who is one of the most disliked politicians in the country I currently resided. It disgust me. She's really like her useless incompetent father.
Her incompetent corrupt senator father, as much I dislike his track record, and actual political platforms that does not match my leanings and views, what he did was all sitting back and not doing anything to improve the lives and the country. His political career was only saved by a celebrity wife of his who was popular back in a day until she married that poor excuse of senator.
Thinking about it and the situation, made me having thoughts of writing a new story that showcases the consequences of poor leadership, badly written constitution that haven't received a single amendment once, corruption, and popularity-based politics, by putting one fictional country in a fictional world. It had me thinking writing one.
I don't talk much politics here because I only put stories to share and to quench my bias, practice my creative, and satisfy my thirst.
P.S That same 'ignorant', she really was ignorant and does not know history at all. She had a wrong personality, "individual" mindset for persons and politics. She's really ridiculous lol.