
Happy new year!!!


Hey everyone,
          I'm working on quite a few books, but due to the fact that my school starts again in 2 days, it might be a while before a new book comes online. I'm going to work on my books in the free time I have, but it just takes a lot of time.
          Have a nice day/night.


Hallo iedereen,
          Wegens een drukke planning en een tekort aan slaap wordt er een beetje traag geupdate. Ik ben een paar boeken aan het schrijven maar ik weet gewoon nog niet hoe ze gaan aflopen daarom dat ik daar niet mee verder kan. Verder probeer ik deze week mijn Tom x reader of te krijgen maar ik kan niets beloven.
          Nog een fijne avond!


Hey everyone,
          I've decided to switch back to writing Dutch stories. Since it's already quite difficult to write a story in your first language and the books are not completely written in English as I want them to be. I have decided to continue writing Do We Belong together in English but after that all the stories will be in Dutch. This also applies to my Timothée Chalamet fanfiction which I will rewrite. I'm sorry for all my English readers. But maybe I'll change back to English later.
          Have a nice evening/day!


Hi! Ik zag dat je mijn boek aan je leeslijst hebt toegevoegd, super gaaf! Dankjewel :) Ik hoop dat je er van genieten kan!


@WandasStories Dankjewel!! Natuurlijk, neem je tijd hahah :) Ik ga er even dankbaar voor zijn als je het later leest!! <3


@ luna_elysian  Het boek leek me heel leuk. Ik ga binnenkort beginnen met het te lezen. momenteel heb ik het daar te druk voor. :)


At the moment, I can't update my stories for a while because my exam weeks are coming up and I want to focus on that. I also have some small tests, a speaking assignment and a book review. As soon as this period is over and my summer holiday starts, I'll be able to start working on my books again.  
          Have a nice day/night


As you can see, I have changed my name again. The reason behind that is that I didn't really like my previous name and that I'm not really a fan of the Wizarding World anymore and that Marvel is again the fandom that I feel most comfortable with. Except for the mental breakdown I get from some Marvel films, but that's just side information. And why something with Wanda? That's easy to explain. The reason is that I'm just a big fan of her. This was just an announcement so that there would be no misunderstandings. 
          have a nice day or night <3