
I’m sure that many of you are familiar with Midnight, the trusty dog that kept my characters company for most of their journey. However, today the real Midnight, my dog of 15 years, has passed away. I know that she will always live on within our hearts, but I felt the need to make it known that she will also live on in the words I write. Midnight was the purest soul I’ve ever met. I’ll be missing her dearly


@WanderingEldest  she will forever be missed and loved, Eldest. I hope this loss into too hard on you. My dog also passed near the start of last year so I understand how hard this must be for you. If you ever need to talk about anything, we are all here to listen ❤️


I’m sure that many of you are familiar with Midnight, the trusty dog that kept my characters company for most of their journey. However, today the real Midnight, my dog of 15 years, has passed away. I know that she will always live on within our hearts, but I felt the need to make it known that she will also live on in the words I write. Midnight was the purest soul I’ve ever met. I’ll be missing her dearly


@WanderingEldest  she will forever be missed and loved, Eldest. I hope this loss into too hard on you. My dog also passed near the start of last year so I understand how hard this must be for you. If you ever need to talk about anything, we are all here to listen ❤️


Hey Eldest! I've got a bunch of suggestions and questions to ask you! 
          Suggestion 1- Giving Pierce her own adventure. Since the main focus of "I Will Love You" was based mainly on Juniors viewpoint, I feel like it would be fun to see an adventure for Pierce and to see some more character development for her! I feel like it would portray her role as a leader/queen, her relationship with Tanya, and a bigger insight to her emotions. Bringing such a big role and responsibilities onto herself at such a younger age must of been a struggle at first and I feel like it would be nice to see some of her ups amd downs when dealing with such a big role.
          Suggestion 2- Family Reunion! Speaks for itself really. A small novella about y/n's family all being officially together in Nirvana. It would be nice to see some scenes with Herobrine making connections with his children again (especially Junior). I also would want to see how Herorbine's and Noth's relationship has grown!
          Suggestion 3- In "You Will Belong To Me", could there be a scene where Romeo is telling Selena about some of the fun times he had with Xara and Fred. It would be nice to see how his emotions play out and to see his fear of being alone in life. His yearning just for someone to look upon, to spend time with, to be friends with.


Soo there's a chance of a few new chapeter soon?? 


Thanks for all the suggestions! I’m actually working on “You Belong to Me” as we speak. As of right now I’d like to focus on wrapping up my one shots with Herobrine too, but after that I plan to leave them alone. I feel like I’ve expanded a lot in terms of the world they live in and the dynamics that we’ve come to love so much. However, you are more than welcome to make art for them or even write your own spin-offs if you so desire! After all, the original story that started it all was adopted. I know I would love to see whatever you come up with. :)


Suggestion 4- Romeo and Selena's kid. Let's be real, it's going to happen lol. Probably not as quick as Herobrine and y/n but definitely at some point.
            Suggestion 5- Adding onto that, since it's clear that they do exist in the same universe from the reference to Beacontown in "I Will Love You", it would be kinda fun to see Romeo and Selena's kid meet Junior and Pierce. I headcannon they would be a very spontaneous character and have a fun time annoying them :3
            Sorry I know that's a lot lol. I'm just very invested in your writing and it's become a very comforting place to look upon if I ever feel down and need to leave reality for a bit.
            Questions: Can I help out with artwork and lore for future stories?? 


Jo I got a question (again). 
          In what time does “you will love me” and the 2. Part play?
          Like when it comes to the way for example houses are build, technical things (like showers or cooking stuff), etc. works. 
          Is there a time that you could say like 19 hundreds or is it just a random mix?


I was thinking based off medieval times, only a few specific parts of technology are included like plumbing, lights (redstone), and propellers made for ships (redstone again). I feel like fashion is extremely mixed, but other than that, most houses don’t have electricity unless the builder was skilled with redstone. ;)


I have some very sad news, I just broke up with my boyfriend. There’s been a lot of issues between us, and I just couldn’t do it anymore. I don’t know how else to say this but my heart is in pieces. I feel sick. I feel lost. But at the same time, I feel relieved I don’t need to exhaust myself anymore. I pray you all are doing well. 
          As of right now, I need a break. 


Oh…. I didn’t know. You’ll recover. I’m sure of it.


@WanderingEldest I'm so sorry. Take all the time you need, we're here if you want to talk. Just please keep safe. :D


@WanderingEldest Ohh naurs. Don't worry pookie poo! You'll get over him sooner or later, but as of right now, take as much time as you need!


I got a small question for you. 
          A few hours ago your instagram account dm’ed me, asking for 100$ for a new phone  (I already had the feeling that this does not sound legit at this point and I just replied to see what was kinda going on) and kinda pressuring me by begging me to just send the money like it isn’t a big deal (which it is to me bc I mean it’s 100$ and I’m also a minor without income and even if it is you… I barely know you)
          I just wanted to know if that is really you  or if someone idk… like took advantage of your account-
          If it’s is really you then please don’t be offended by me saying this rn but it’s just really sketchy to me because like I said, I was pressured a lot, the conversation was also very dry (to the point where I thought I might be texting with an Ai) and it also doesn’t really fit to the way you normally talk. 
          I’d just appreciate a short yes or no if it is actually you cuz I want to know for sure if I can tell them to just shut up cuz it’s annoying and weird:)
          Also excuse my grammar. It’s late


@WanderingEldest DW you’re not at fault for anything. And luckily the person I was chatting was completely brain dead when it comes to scamming XD 
            The account is reported 


@immortal_lizzard Thank you! I’m hoping instagram will just deactivate the account altogether. Scammers are horrible and again- I’m so sorry for the trouble! 


I found the yandere Romeo story randomly because, well, I'm a sucker for the red haired mam, and I honestly can't wait for the next chapters lol  


Thank you!!! Hopefully it won’t be much longer ;)