
Any good books you guys recommend? I've got 10 coins that I wanna spend — is that even enough to pay for a book? 


          So it's been a minute. My finals are finally over, so it's back to writing and drawing. Speaking of, I have a little dilemma. As you probably know, I have a book that I'm currently writing, Pranking the Prankster, and it's supposed to be a light teen romance with some heavy hitting themes like death and loss. But I feel like with a title like Pranking the Prankster, people won't take it seriously. I want to write something profound like John Greene does, or Jenny Han, A.S King and Nicola Yoon (some of my favourite authors, by the way). What do you think? Should I change the title to something more heavy hitting? 


Is it just me or is Wattpad a little too quiet this days? 


@WanderingFlyer yeah I think it's because Watty's season is over


@WanderingFlyer Not just you, I agree. I think most ppl are moving to other platforms like AO3 because Wattpad keeps deleting their stories or whatever. These days Wattpad feels kinda like a ghost town


What's up with the new Wattpad icon?


@WanderingFlyer thanks .
            also thanks for following @akaTheKnight . This is a follow on her behalf. 
            You don't have to follow me back 
            This is her alt account.