
Hello! It would be great if you could check out my more recent stories because I've been getting in to flash fiction and would really appreciate your opinion; thanks! ;)


Hi, Willpower.  Thank you ever so much for the follow.
          Welcome to Wattpad..
          I'm delighted that a high school writer has found my stories.
          My stories make extensive use of my travels, which have resulted from my service as an American soldier in Germany and my experience as a teacher in the remote jungle village of Bolahun, Liberia (West Africa).
          Therefore, my stories are from real places and of characters inspired by real people.
          It's nice to meet you.
          Enjoy my stories.
          It's nice to meet you.


Your talent for writing is truly amazing!  I loved, loved, LOVED your collection of short stories, Waiting for Snowflakes-even the title. I hope you continue to write stories because it’s a treat to read them!!


@Apcaruso thank you so much! I will continue to write! And thank you for reading every single one of my stories; support from readers is inspiration for writers! :)