Oh right, you can actually get away from your family when you go to college. You see, I don't have to pay for college, they're funded by the government. However, I'm pretty sure, I won't be able to leave my family until I'm married or something. It's Saudi society, they think families should live together.
Now, I'm going to go in a long rant about Saudi Arabia...
Saudi Arabia is, um.... interesting.
I mean to say is that there are so many little worlds inside the country. 80% of our workforce is foreign and they can't really be made to stay with the insane 'religious' forces here. So they live in compounds owned by their companies. They have their own set of laws. For instance, my cousin was once invited by a friend whose family lived in one of Aramco's, the national oil company, compounds to go trick-or-treating. This will be blasphemy anywhere else.
Our textbooks are laid out by the Ministry of Education. This entitles cherry-picked information and hero-worshiping of the royal family. Now, I don't detest the royal family. It's really hard to when you realize that nearly all of the governmental spending are funded by them. Education, Higher Education, Military, Police, Healthcare. Everything. The private sector is horrible here.
Anyways, so our education sucks really. I'm 'good' at all my subjects, too; however, anyone (except a Saudi) can be good at our subjects.
I may hate Biology simply because of my teachers. Oh yes, my teachers suck as well. I go to a private school. Now, 90% of Saudi children go to public school. Public school is funded by the government, i.e. the royal family. The royal family is filthy rich; so they could afford to give better salaries to their employees. So they get the better employees, and private schools get the bad ones.
The thing is, about that those subjects that I listed to, is that I feel like they can't ruin these subjects. They can distort like they distort history. They can't make numbers lie.
Ok, now I'm done.