
9/11.......The irony of it all is that we just dropped my mom of at the airport to go to Dubai.


Oh right, you can actually get away from your family when you go to college. You see, I don't have to pay for college, they're funded by the government. However, I'm pretty sure, I won't be able to leave my family until I'm married or something. It's Saudi society, they think families should live together. 
          Now, I'm going to go in a long rant about Saudi Arabia...
          Saudi Arabia is, um.... interesting. 
          I mean to say is that there are so many little worlds inside the country. 80% of our workforce is foreign and they can't really be made to stay with the insane 'religious' forces here. So they live in compounds owned by their companies. They have their own set of laws. For instance, my cousin was once invited by a friend whose family lived in one of Aramco's, the national oil company, compounds to go trick-or-treating. This will be blasphemy anywhere else.
          Our textbooks are laid out by the Ministry of Education. This entitles cherry-picked information and hero-worshiping of the royal family. Now, I don't detest the royal family. It's really hard to when you realize that nearly all of the governmental spending are funded by them. Education, Higher Education, Military, Police, Healthcare. Everything. The private sector is horrible here.
          Anyways, so our education sucks really. I'm 'good' at all my subjects, too; however, anyone (except a Saudi) can be good at our subjects.
          I may hate Biology simply because of my teachers. Oh yes, my teachers suck as well. I go to a private school. Now,  90% of Saudi children go to public school. Public school is funded by the government, i.e. the royal family. The royal family is filthy rich; so they could afford to give better salaries to their employees. So they get the better employees, and private schools get the bad ones. 
          The thing is, about that those subjects that I listed to, is that I feel like they can't ruin these subjects. They can distort like they distort history. They can't make numbers lie.
          Ok, now I'm done.


For some reason, I feel like I have to decide what I will do 10 years from now; it's really why I have so many goals. I feel like I don't have time...but I don't think I'll ever regret learning all of this. Skills are pretty cool.
          Do you have any plans for college? 
          So you're a gamer? I don't really play video games, I think I lack the commitment to keep playing until I win. I do, however, play PC games. Only free trials, though. I get bored of them after a while.
          I tried to read the Three Musketeers. To. Effing. Boring. The details that he goes into... I tried to read Notre Dame de Paris, as well. *sigh* I'm just going to save French literature until I actually learn French.
          I already read an abridged version of Animal Farm. I personally found it depressing.
          I want to read a number of non-fiction books as well; but I can't find them here :(.
          Painting, huh? I didn't know you painted. My painting are either works of art or are painted by a cat, it depends on which way you look at it. Seriously, again I lack the patience that is needed to draw or paint, and keep doing it until I'm good.
          I never really asked, what are your best subject? Mine are maths, physics, and chemistry. Biology is weird. I mean, I LOVE biochemistry; but learning about ring worms...


I'm alive!
          Sorry. Since I had disappeared off the face of Wattpad for... very long, I thought you might've needed some assurance that I'm fine and well enough (Something tells me, though, that you don't particularly care.)
          I was totally bummed when I saw that you deleted Pink Confetti; but I think I understand. I've deleted stuff that I just couldn't write anymore, just as well... (Still, how dare you delete that wonderful story?)
          Today is official first day of summer. (Saturday cause that's how Saudi Arabia rolls)  Just guess what I dreamed of? Guess? SCHOOL! Worst. Beginning. Of. Summer. Ever.
          Anyway, so what've you been up to? Other than deleting your best stories, of course. Me? I've got a bunch of stuff lined up. What? Well... (in no particular order)
          1. Learn Japanese.
          2. Learn Programming.
          3. Be Able To Argue For The Austrian School Of Economics Like A Pro.
          4. Know How Camera, Cars, Computer, Programming Languages, And Other Cool Stuff Work.
          5. Read Nawadir Juha, Kaleelah Wa Dimnah, Economics In One Lesson, 1984, Animal Farm, Art Of War, The Prince and Other Stuff That I Can't Name On The Top Of My Head.
          6. Stop Capitalizing The First Letter Of Words Because It Looks Cool.
          7. Actually Write And Finish A Short Story, A Novelette, A Novella, Or (dare I say it?) A Novel. (Anything, just anything)
          So that's my list of stuff that I-want-to-but-won't  to do in the summer. What's yours?
                                                                            Procrastination and Laziness,


My best friend tells me that make up isn't evil crap, but I'm not believing her one bit. 
          I'll be sure to check out Soto's poetry. Tales from Shakespeare by Charles and Mary Lamb is a short story version of Shakespeare's plays, the stories are very well-written. But I didn't know about the innuendoes; Shakespeare was a very naughty boy, eh?
          Indian weddings? Ha! At least the food is good. I've only been to two weddings in my life. One was a stuffy Indian wedding in which I don't know who the heck was getting married. The other was a Saudi wedding in which I think my aunt's brother was getting married. They were both hazardous. The music was too loud. The people were annoying. It was hot. The clothes suck. At least, I'm not life my best friend, who can't even remember how many weddings she's been to.
           You know what if I, by some miracle, chose to get married, I will skip out on my own wedding reception. I'll  have the contract signed by a jurist, dad and my brother. I'll leave the groom to entertain the guests alone. I also solemnly swear not to wear a white dress, which makes me look horrible, or the red wedding Indian blouse and skirt my grandma keeps tucked away in her closet, peering at every so often. 
          Seriously, what is it with old women and weddings?


I took one look at the man playing Larten and swore the movie off. 
          I didn't pull an all nighter, however, I'm very sleepy now because I've unstable sleeping habits. I've never held a Sharpie in my life. 
          I've realized that part of my dignity comes from the facts that I don't wear make up, that I hate weddings, that I don't style my hair, that I don't chew gum and that I only deal in chocolate. How awesome can I get?
          Inferno, I always wanted to read. It seemed very interesting. I can't find it here, thought, probably something having to do with the 'anti-Islam' part. The Three Musketeers, I gave up upon fifty pages. There are a few classics that I wish to finish; Passage to India, Crime and Punishment, Tales from Shakespeare.
          I've started reading Arabic stuff as well. And they're quite interesting. There is a book called Kaleelah wa Dimnah; a book of two foxes, telling tales to the Lion King.  And another one called Nawadir Juh'a; short, funny and true stories of a scholar in the Ottaman empire names Juh'a. I read Arabic poetry. Imam Shafi'i has one of the most beautiful verses in the world.  Here's a small peak:
          إن الفقيه هو الفقيه بفعله — ليس الفقيه بنطقه و مقاله
          وكذا الرئيس هوالرئيس بخلقه — ليس الرئيس بقومه ورجاله
          وكذا الغني هوالغني بحاله — ليس الغني بملكه و بماله
          Verily, a scholar is a scholar with his work .... a scholar is not with his tongue and words. 
          And so, a president is a president through his character... a president is not through his tribe and men. 
          And so, a wealthy man is one who is wealthy with his situation... A wealthy man is not wealthy with his property and money. 
          Awesome, right? Believe me, it's much better in Arabic. 
          You know what? My favorite English poet is Edgar Allen Poe and I can't even begin to tell you how much these two contrast. 
          Imam Shafi'i has a light-humored tone in which he tells you about life and wisdom. Poe's poetry is a glimpse inside an insane yet genius mind.


Katz would always be in my heart. He was my first love, hell I'm dead serious. 
          Of course nothing is up; I have a very boring life. However, I learned how to use a semicolon. My exams are two weeks away and my stories are pathetic. The general stuff, you know. I read the two first books of the Hunger Games; I'd defiantly recommend them. I'm reading the Saga of Darren Shan, lately. Pretty awesome book as well. Saudi Arabic is a very boring and a very hot country. Seriously, that's pretty much my life. 
          Now it's my turn to ask the dreaded question: what's up?


It's been a time. A long time. A lot of things happened. But most importantly you deleted all of your previous stories and I've deleted mine. Coincidences. You probably don't remember me, though. However, I'd really like to get back in touch with you. And I love that picture of Katz....