
Chapter 18 of Loving You will be posted in the morning. See you all then! Goodnight :) x


Thanks for the follow! Your books look good! I added a few to my library! Look forward to reading them! If you get a chance could you check out my latest book 'dont hide from me' ?
          I would love to get some more feed back! Thanks!


@taylorxhood thank you and I'll check some of yours out later :)


Hey y'all I'd like to  thank you for reading my stoires and I am trying to write the chapters but I don't have much time as exams are heading my way. Thanks for bearing with me. As for my story The Baby That Was Born Three Years Late, I shall continue that after I have finished the Youtube one and the BVB one as I realise it has been on hold for quite some time. I'm considering re-writing it though so that's a thing. Thank you all for reading and I hope you have a great day! x


Heya everyone I have some news. I am going to take about a month away from writing. I'll still be here if you want to message me or anything and I'll still be reading those amazing stories that have been written. I just won't post any writing for a month or so.