
It is finished! The finale of "The Grand Mythos of ÚrDan, Volume One" is now published.
          	Chapter Blurb: The First Life fulfills its true purpose, but to what end?


Chapter five of "The Grand Mythos" is up! Probably the longest and most exciting chapter yet.
          Chapter blurb: The First Four Vai'ad have begun to shape the Void to their liking, but Go'Dan wishes to create new life. They will soon discover that by combining their powers, the Vai'ad can truly master their world.


Chapter four of "The Grand Mythos" is now live!
          Chapter blurb: Now that the First Four Vai'ad understand a little more about each other's power, they must work together to survive. This short chapter describes how one Vaia's choice to help another creates a key feature of the world of Úr'Dan.


Chapter three of my mythic fantasy series is now up!
          Chapter Blurb: The First Four Vai'ad are carving out their places in the Void, but are their purposes aligned? As Aeth'Ún, Gó'Dan, Hairek, and Órúma each search for meaning among the blackness of the Void, they may find that their unity is easily fractured.