
Hey, you haven’t updated in over a year, It’s okay if so, but I was wondering if you have discontinued your story?


You’re welcome, if you want motivation, here’s some, your story is very good, and I’m sure you will be very successful with it.
            If you have fun writing, perhaps you could give yourself some time after work each day to write as a sort of escape to have fun in after a stressful day.


@EwanKidner I appreciate you for reaching out... I didn't even realize that it's been so long since I've uploaded a chapter, so I sincerely apologize for the lack of updates. Life has just been... rough, to say the least.
            The next chapter (still unfinished) that I worked on currently has 3000+ words, but I'm severely lacking the motivation to complete it. However, once I do upload Chapter 12, I'll normally announce how I plan to update the story going forward from that point.
            So, to answer your question, I haven't discontinued the story, but I must recognize that I haven't done anything with it in so long. I believe it is time to dig myself out of the pit I've been stuck in and continue pushing forward. 
            Thankyou again for reaching out.


It’s been a while, I just thought I would ask how you are?


@EwanKidner I'm sorry for the late response, but as for how I am, I've been incredibly busy. I suppose when you're working 40+ hours a week on off track and working on a physics major on track, one might tend to get quite busy.


Hey, look at your splatoon story ranking, I just thought I would congratulate you.


@WarioManPwn, your story is very good, I hope you’re doing well.


@EwanKidner That's interesting... I honestly don't think my story is good enough to be that high up, but I suppose I was mistaken.
            Besides, I really need to work on my next chapter and actually continue the story... It's been a bit.


It just changed, but you were #1 for a bit.


Hey, did you see the side order trailer?


@EwanKidner That would be both funny and infuriating if that did happen.


@WarioManPwn, yeah it looks great,
            It appears that we might be looking for Marina in it,
            Could you imagine this,
            You spend the entirety of the DLC looking for Marina, and she comes back at the end, and it turns out she didn’t go missing, she just went to the bathroom.


@EwanKidner I sure did, and I'll tell ya what, I'm really excited to play next spring.


Hey, I have a question about the new chapter, you mentioned octolings and the colour teal, were they sanitised, or regular.
          I’m just curious, as I don’t think that regular octo canyon/valley octarians would go to inkopolis just to attack inklings, they only go for things they really need(e.g. the great zap fish), so attacking a random family doesn’t fit them,
          But if it was commander Tartar, it would fit his character, especially if he was trying to retrieve more test subjects.
          I’m not trying to be overly critical, I just felt like I should point it out.


@WarioManPwn, I’m glad you are aware of the fact that it is a misconception,
            I’m also happy you see the potential in Octavio’s character, as long as it is handled carefully, I believe that you will do well.
            By the way, I just looked at the comment below, and this is the thing I was talking about, some accounts are boys that are trying to advertise it, I got one that said ‘your stories’, even though I haven’t posted any, which is why I invested it, it’s good that you are being cautious.


@EwanKidner I understand that. My goal isn't to portray him as a truly evil being, but I will nonetheless do my best to have readers see him as one of the main antagonist in the series. There's a lot of potential behind his character after all, so I might as well put it to use.
            Also, I do find it funny that the misconception that the shades/goggles they wear hypnotizes them is still kind of a thing. I'm well aware that that is not the case, so there's won't be any of that reasoning within the story.


@WarioManPwn, I’m on team love too.
            You know, one thing I got tired of in other fanfics, was the super evil portrayal given to Octavio, people need to understand that there is a difference between an ‘antagonist’ and a ‘villain’, I mean sure, Octavio is by no means a model citizen or completely heroic character, but he is overall just a guy doing what he needs for the survival of his species.
            He’s a leader of a relatively okay species, not a mindless thug, and sure he isn’t a huge fan of inklings invading his territory, but who would be?, there isn’t any evidence to suggest he ever wanted death or genocide to inklings.
            The point of Splatoon 1 is that there isn’t really a ‘bad’ guy, there are just two sides, doing what they need to,
            For example, the octolings you fight are usually called ‘rival’ not ‘enemy’ or ‘evil’ octolings.
            Many misconceptions exist that make people hate on Octavio,
            The main one being that he hypnotised the octolings, which isn’t true, their music is just used in a similar fashion to a military captain issuing orders to troops, and the shades they wear are (despite common belief) not hypnoshades, they are just combat shades that have a UI for battlefield intelligence.
            Unfortunately, most fans seem to be unaware of this.
            There aren’t any actually evil beings until Tartar and mr Grizz come into the picture.


Hey, I wanted to tell you about something, some people have been getting adds for something called ‘neobook’, I wanted to tell you that based on some research I’ve done, it may be illegitimate and potentially unsafe, so be careful if you see it.


@EwanKidner I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the warning.


A Bit late, but I Hope you had fun.
          Say, want to hear something funny?


@EwanKidner You make a valid point. If only their weren't so many inconsistencies within the lore of the game... Scaling the true size of inklings and octolings would be so much easier.


@WarioManPwn, I get that for story’s sake, people have to put in small proportions,
            Concerning the giant objects in octo expansion levels, I believe that those are likely just giant objects that are upscaled from the real version, I mean, think about it, in real life, we do make models of certain things that are much bigger than the real thing, for example, we make statues that represent people, but the statues are like 10 to sometimes 40 feet tall, that doesn’t mean that we are saying the people are that tall, the size is just to make them easier to see, so that’s what I believe about the giant objects, I don’t think they are real, I believe they are probably just upscaled models of the actual versions.


@EwanKidner There's always been a lot of debate regarding the true size of inklings. Take for example in the Octo Expansion levels: there are various human objects scattered (various Nintendo consoles for example) abroad that utterly dwarf Agent Eight. Using that logic, one could say that inklings and octolings are a mere few inches tall compared to humans within the Splatoon universe.
            For the sake of my story though, I've decided to make Brown relatively proportional to the aquatic lifeforms he meets. Otherwise, I'd imagine things would be rather awkward if he was around fifteen to twenty feet in height XD.