
Despite it being a day late, bam! Chapter 5 has been released for your viewing pleasure, so check it out.


Guess what! Chapter 3 has been released! Thanks to Luckydude217 being able to get on, he was able to edit and post it just now. Check it out. Also CHeck the updates section in Chapter 1 whenever you want to know what is going on. THank you for your patience.


Hey Everyone, Just finished the Second Chapter in my Story Pokemon: The Saga of Dolan. I know you all are probably mad at me for not posting on time, but i've been very busy with a musical i'm in. (Yes im one of those people). Haven't been getting home till very late. Musical is all said and done after the next 2 weeks, so i definitely will be picking back up in speed! Thanx for sticking with me!