
          	Ugh- I'm so sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm having one of those emotion days when the slightest thing causes me to burst into tears. 
          	Like, my brothers just being their idiot selves makes me sob. 
          	Now my eggs are sore and puffy and swollen and I'm hiding under the covers of my bed. 
          	Gotta love my dad tho. He's literally asked me at least 100 questions trying to find the answer to my sadness. 
          	(Pretty sure he thinks it's my bros)
          	He doesn't underhand that its just one of those, "I'm mad at the world" days. 
          	Oh well! How are you guys doing? <3 
          	Love you all so much! 
          	-Leafy/Capy <3 


@WarriorCats4Life62 tell qibli to joke u up and he be like: "Why u sad? Oh okay, its becuzz me and winter got maaarieed and uu liked hiiim and- oh I'm sorry didn't mean to intrude BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA"


@WarriorCats4Life62 umm where are you? I'm really worried about you, it's been months since I heard from you.


@WarriorCats4Life62 hope you feel a little better now bestie <3


Augh I’ve started playing a game on ps5 (i don’t know what other platforms it’s on) called Endling: Exctinction is Forever… AND IT’S SO SAADDDDDD But also I need someone else who’s also really easily affected by watching baby foxes being stolen to play it so we can vent about it to each other lol. The art style is beautiful but I haven’t played much of it because it’s such a sad story :’D


          Ugh- I'm so sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm having one of those emotion days when the slightest thing causes me to burst into tears. 
          Like, my brothers just being their idiot selves makes me sob. 
          Now my eggs are sore and puffy and swollen and I'm hiding under the covers of my bed. 
          Gotta love my dad tho. He's literally asked me at least 100 questions trying to find the answer to my sadness. 
          (Pretty sure he thinks it's my bros)
          He doesn't underhand that its just one of those, "I'm mad at the world" days. 
          Oh well! How are you guys doing? <3 
          Love you all so much! 
          -Leafy/Capy <3 


@WarriorCats4Life62 tell qibli to joke u up and he be like: "Why u sad? Oh okay, its becuzz me and winter got maaarieed and uu liked hiiim and- oh I'm sorry didn't mean to intrude BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA"


@WarriorCats4Life62 umm where are you? I'm really worried about you, it's been months since I heard from you.


@WarriorCats4Life62 hope you feel a little better now bestie <3


I thought I'd pop on here and tell you guys some of my fears! Fun! 
          1. Spiders. Ugh- I just hate them. Big or small. I don't mind LOOKING at them, but as soon as they're close to me- EEK! And NOTHING is worse then walking face first into cobwebs and wondering, 'where is the spider who owns the web?'
          2. Dentists. I just hate them. They scare me. The buildings AND the people. As soon as I'm in the building my heart starts pounding and I get all nervous and shi. I don't even like driving past them. 
          3. Acorns. I friggin hate those dang things. I've been traumatized ever since one fell and hit me square in the head.It hurts so bad. Every time I walk under a tree that produces acorns, I run with my hands over my head as fast as I can. 
          4. Falling. My brother is braver than me, and he likes to climb trees. I like to climb trees too, it's just once I'm up there I can't get down.And then I don't want to climb back down the way I came, because I'm scared I'll make one wrong move and plummet to my death(even if it's only a few feet off the ground). 
          5. Oceans. I'm just so scared of ocean creatures like sharks and orca and stuff, that I don't think I could ever go in a little boat or speedboat or kayak into the ocean/water.Like- what if they eat me? Sharks are scary fr. If I even think about being in the middle of the sea surrounded by WHO KNOWS what, they I get the shivers. ugh. 
          And that's just some of them. :) 
          Love you lots! 
          -Leafy/Capy <3


i fear a monotone noise slowly growing louder


            lmaoo im kinda forced to get on ships/airplanes but im used to it now
            im not as scared as i used to be of oceans but i still have that tiny piece inside of me literally cowering in fear XD
            oof japanese beetles suck i hate them


            OH- I will NEVER get on a boat/cruise or a airplane! I am so paranoid and scared that I'll be in this boat and all of an sudden it starts SINKING. Then I'm in the middle of the water surrounded by FISH and SHARKS and WHALES! I'd rather drown quickly and get it over with. And I never want to get on an airplane bc I'm scared we'll be flying and then suddenly something happens and the plane crashes and I die but everyone else makes it out alive :> 
            Also lady bugs are cute, and I don't mind them as much, but my house gets infested with Japanese beetles, so- 


          I legit love the series! It's so good. 
          I'm only on Fire in the Sky rn, but have the whole next series on my shelf. 
          I'm so excited to readdddd! (Pls no spoilers if you've read past Fire in the Sky)
          I ship Lusa and Toklo so hard FRRRR- 


@WarriorCats4Life62 I tried to get into the Erin’s other series but a lot of things happened lol
            Bravelands- I don’t even remember what happened but it was something that was in scientific and made me hate the series
            Survivors- couldn’t find the rest of the series ANYWHERE in our school library in 4th grade when I read the first few books so I abandoned it
            And I just flat out couldn’t find the rest lol


            Alright! I'll see if I can find it. 


            alr! but like i said before, i will read it after percy jackson
            which is pretty good so you should read it too :D


          How much do you rate this ThunderClan warrior? The great and almighty Fire's best friend. 
          I'd honestly say 8/10. He's so cute. 


            Lol- that's cool tho. The most mischievous StarClan duo. 


@WarriorCats4Life62 i like imagining them getting into mischief in starclan lol


@WarriorCats4Life62 and fireheart and graystripe's adventures were cool


I'm thinking of starting a character of the day. I vaguely remember doing something like this before. 
          Switching between Wings of fire and Warriors. 
          COTD(Character of the Day): 
          Out of 10, how much do you like Kestrel? What's your favourite thing about her and your least favourite? 
          Tell me what you think about this idea. 


            Even though she was kinda stupid in the beginning she had her amazing moments later on
            I’d give her a 6.5/10
            I love her name and how she took care of the dragonets and peril even though she isn’t really a good motherly figure
            But still


Guten Morgen meine Freunds! 
          Wie geht's? 
          Ich bin krank, aber es geht. 
          Natürlich ich bin wunderbar mit meine Freundins. 
          Es tut mir leid ich spreche deutsch. 
          Sprechen sie Deutsch? 


@WarriorCats4Life62 i know some german.
            i translated this on my own
            good morning my friends
            how are you
            i am (?) but fine
            (?) i am wonderful with my (?)
            im (?) I speak german
            do you speak german?


            I understood like, 80% of that only XD