
(NOTE: based on book) 


Name: Maplepaw
          Rank: Apprentice 
          Clan: ThunderClan
          Gender: She-cat
          Age: 6 moons
          Apperance: Sleek, strong, tortishell she-cat with bold blue eyes. She also has a small scar on nose/ muzzle from accident as kit.
          Mate: None yet 
          Kits: None yet
          Personality: Fierce, gentle, caring, loyal, brave, quick-witted, bright, and loyal to the warrior-code 


Name: DarkHeart
          Clan: Rockclan
          Position: Apprentice
          Looks: Black pelt, dark gray stripes, left eye blue, right eye red, white toes, two white scratches on shoulder, white muzzle, tip of tail, and spots on forehead, chipped right ear, and scar on right eye.
          Gender: Female
          Pic of your cat (optional): http://images6.fanpop.com/image/user_images/5323000/The_Puppeteer-5323920_650_290.png
          (I made it on some website a while back, I can't remember the site.)


Hello everybody! I just wanted to welcome you all to the Warriors RP, If you didn't know it is a RP on cats that sometimes fight and hunt in there territories to survive and have certain places. Rules and form are above. PLEASE FILL OUT HIS FORM OR I WILL ANNOY YOU UNTIL YOU DO!!!!.( or I will annoy you with my other account RosibellSprings)