
Hey fellow Wattpaders! It has been a while since I published anything. I am sorry for that, I just have been busy with family and stuff. I also have been busy with another project. I have been working on my YouTube channel. Yeah you heard me, my YouTube channel! I am thinking about using the stories I had on here and put them in videos. If that is fine with everyone? Also I would like if you guys support me on my channel. Again I am sorry for not posting anything, and hope to see you there!


Hey fellow Wattpaders! It has been a while since I published anything. I am sorry for that, I just have been busy with family and stuff. I also have been busy with another project. I have been working on my YouTube channel. Yeah you heard me, my YouTube channel! I am thinking about using the stories I had on here and put them in videos. If that is fine with everyone? Also I would like if you guys support me on my channel. Again I am sorry for not posting anything, and hope to see you there!


Hey so... it has been a long time till I posted a chapter. I really do not know when the next one will come out but, when it come out, it will be the last chapter of "The Underground Cavern". So thanks for all the reads and likes!!!! :)