
I'll try to update soon, just been a bit of a tough year for me. I already have about two chapters going right now, will continue and try to update as soon as possible I really do appreciate all the support and comments❤ #fighting!


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I am sooooo sorry for not updating the last few... months? Shit's been going DOWN so uh... yeah. Anyway, I'm gonna try and post some chapters this vacay, but I'm gonna have to get my train of thought again. 
          Thanks for all the support! I really appreciate it!❤


@WarriorSheWolf Lmao I read one of your books about a year ago. 


Thanks heaps for adding a bunch of my books to your reading list! I hope you enjoy them.


Glad I could help! If you have any further questions or worries, feel free to reach out!


@SilentSilverSlip Thank you do much! I really appreciate it!
            I will defenitely look into it!


So, there are a few other websites you can publish fanfics on (fanfiction.net and archiveofourown.org) other than Wattpad. On Wattpad, your fanfic can be taken down since their terms aren't quite fanfic-allowed, I don't think, but I didn't look into it initially when I was younger and publishing fanfics on here. The worst that they do, I think, is take your book down (deleting it from your drafts, which happened to me and a friend a few years back - not sure if it's the same here). If you do go ahead and post it, definitely make a disclaimer.
            However! What I really recommend you do is check out archiveofourown.org which is a non-for-profit website full of fanfics with an amazing tagging system and community. It's where I post my fanfics for the most part, especially as they're primarily for fanfics and will protect your rights as well. Sometimes, there's a bit of discourse over the fact they run a fundraiser and things - but they tell you what they do with that money since it's all run by volunteers and they're actually really good. 10/10 would recommend! Hopefully that helps! Sorry for the late message as well, haven't been going through my notifications really.