
I would like to announce that FUGUE is getting a FULL rework and complete rewrite! Not only will the plot change, but the characters are going to be getting a redo as well! Our favorite trio will still be roughly the same, but their personalities will be more rounded and the story will be better paced and plot holes will be filled. I look forward to releasing the new version soon in late February in 2019! Meanwhile, the rewrite will be worked on from my phone until I can buy a new computer since my old one is a little... done for. Thank you for your support and keep an ear out!


Hi!!! I don't know if you would remember me but we used to role play in a werewolf RP! It was a few years back and I used my old account that I deleted it was called Texasrodeoqueen. 
          Anyway just wanted to say HI!!


Thank you! I know I am really young still but my family doesn't have a lot of money right now and I know it sounds mean and selfish but we've always have had money and we have never needed to look closely at the price tags on food at the stores. Nor have we ever had to worry about the end of the month or tell my younger brother why he can't have a new toy. 
            I mean we aren't rich but on social class standards we were Upper Middle Class. But this is horrible and I don't want my family to feel this way ever again so I made a promise that I will make enough money for my family so they'll never have to feel this way again. 
            It's really selfish I know but, I don't know how else to find a way to fix it


            Ah, I see! That's actually a really awesome idea you have there! I can certainly see where it would come in good use quite often... one thing to remember would be how easy is it to clean off? Also, are there different versions for those who are more prone to acne when makeup is used? If so, do these variations take into consideration oily skin vs. dry skin? Sensitive skin vs. iron skin? Etc.


Okay! So I use to work out a lot before my leg got bad and I never wore makeup because I didnt feel the need to and because when you exercise you get all weird and sweaty. And when I would wear make up the oils from waterproof make up cleaner stuff is really hard to use. Like the oils and stuff would hurt me, (I was allergic.) 
            So after thinking I talked to some people I was with it they felt the same way about make up. They also said most makeup was too thick and felt weird when they wore it. They said they didn't mind redoing some stuff after their workout but they didn't want to do their entire makeup routine right after. Especially if they taught classes about working out.
            So I came up with some samples for a makeup that is thinner then normal, easy to take off and it like fuses with your skin ((It's not painful I swear.)) So if you your face off and it's sweaty it won't come off. It can be removed by baby oil ((Which I am not allergic to.))
            ((Note these are just sample products I have so not every detail is written in gold))


I would like to announce that FUGUE is getting a FULL rework and complete rewrite! Not only will the plot change, but the characters are going to be getting a redo as well! Our favorite trio will still be roughly the same, but their personalities will be more rounded and the story will be better paced and plot holes will be filled. I look forward to releasing the new version soon in late February in 2019! Meanwhile, the rewrite will be worked on from my phone until I can buy a new computer since my old one is a little... done for. Thank you for your support and keep an ear out!


❀ beautiful person award! ❀ once you get this award, please post it to 8 other people's message boards. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's nice to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out! ❤️ 




            Sweet goodness, yet again!




            It's gorgeous, I agree. :)


• N E W S •
          Good Morning/Midday/Afternoon my beloved Warriors! How have you all been lately? Here around the hub of WarriorWriter56, it's been pretty busy! 
          ~Fugue has gained another hundred reads, putting it at 500+! I'm so happy to see it growing!
          ~Dreamer now has a revision schedule! A chapter will be revised for typos bi-weekly (at least) on Wednesday. 
          ~We're almost there, loves! The 500 follower milestone is just around the corner and I'm so excited! While this might seem like nothing compared to the big Kaunas of Wattpad and you others who are in the thousands of followers, remember that this is a completely nonprofit account that doesn't advertise and is run by a beautifully broke teen who is still in school. While it may not seem like much to you, it's amazing to me! :') I may do something special for the 500 mark occasion like a dedicated short story or a contest or something, but only if I'm asked to because quite frankly, I've no idea what I'd do. XD If you have an idea and want to see it used, just drop me a message!
          That's all for now, Warriors. I hope you all have marvelous days and fantastic weeks!


@WarriorWriter56 great!! you must know we all are going to love it ;) 


            Thank you for the loving comment! I appreciate the support and have a rough idea of a short story of sorts to commemorate hitting 500 followers. It's just extremely rough and in the beginning phases of contemplation. :)


@WarriorWriter56 hi! I'm fine! what about you? busy? hope you don't stress out yourself.
            Congratulations !! for gaining this much reads!! 
            if you ask my  opinion on what to write, i may end up asking everything (literally like short story, contest  and whatnot) but it is rude to, i know. So do whatever you like and I'm sure everyone will support you
            i dropped a message even though i didn't have any idea...
            keep up your writing it is THE BEST!!!
            have a nice time


Hello, my mighty Warriors! I just wanted to say thank you for making Dreamer such a success and for finally getting it up to 60K reads recently. Every comment and vote makes this author's heart sing with happiness that I could touch hearts and minds with that book and I look forward to many more with you all! 
          Love you guys!


Hi! I love your stories and I decided to follow you  can't wait for more in the future!!!!! ~Aly


@Alykat136 thanks I'll try it out


            Wow, thank you so much! It really means a lot to hear that from readers! If you enjoyed Dreamer, I think you'd like Fugue, the sister book to it that features Jacksepticeye. ^~^