You are amazingly awesome in every way shape and form never change your books are amazing
Post this on 10 or more profiles to show that you care for the people a lot! <3
you are under arrest for being incredibly awsome! The only way to get out of going to jail is to arrest 10 other beautiful people by messaging this to them.
Tag the person you received this from (i've been arrested by @ce11ers)
@Andy24032007 The 2nd Indoraptor is nearing its end soon. Ebony will meet Blue again and the others will appear. Also, Ebony won't find love unfortunately. I am working on the next chapter right now.
what's going to happen in 2nd indoraptor?
Will Ebony meet Blue again?
Will Spinoraptor, Carnoraptor or Alloraptor appear?
And is Ebony going to find her dino-love?
Elloooo r u still writing hollyleafs kits. Ik it says on ur bio that ur still writin it but it's been a while since the last chapter came out. Lookin forward to the book!