I really miss the old days.

Hi, @WarriorsForever12 . I know that you may not get this or answer, but I'm taking a chance ^3^ Regarding your warrior cats guide, I have a question. I looked for an answer in other places as well, but couldn't find it- I'm writing a warrior cats fanfiction at the moment and I want to know if there is some sort of herb for she-cats to lose unwanted kits. You seem to know more than me, So taking a chance :) Regards, Wolf

@WolfLover1670 No problem! I'm glad my guide has been of use to you. I've been planning to update it here soon so yeah. I look forward to that fanfiction you're writing!

Thank you so much for your answer! I'll take that into account and likely do that. Thank you for the help! Your guide is very, very useful.

Hey you guys. I know that a few of you mentioned below in the poem are bickering a little or were, and I wanted to come back here as the ancient that I am and show it to you again. I wrote this poem for you all a long time ago. Just know that no matter what, we stick together. Even in my absence I've thought about every single one of you and kept our memories close to my heart. You all made those years some of the best of my life, some of the most memorable. So when an arguement broke out I was a little down and wanted to remind you guys that we're a team. The character limit is being annoying so just look for the poem in the comments. Mentions, in order: 1. @XxSnowLionessxX 2. TheCoriolisEffect a.k.a @Wiire5 3. @GwynnRosen 4. @XxDeathbringerxX 5. @Shadenight 6. GrayWing a.k.a @dogeing and @GrayWoof 7. Bluejayfeathers, a.k.a @StillFilm 8. @Courtnicorn 9. OwlLover1997 10. DragonGamer01 11. @BlueTiger668 12. Lionblaze31 13. @Icybear 14. @Infinite_Creativity

I love you too, Morgan. I was hoping the links to their names worked, it looks like they did. I wanted them all to see this again.

@dogeing Hey! Sorry I didn't see this sooner!!!"

Guys. It's official. After all these years. There will be a Warriors movie, just a announced by the official page on Facebook.


Lately it's occurred to me that we all grow up eventually, and it doesn't matter if we don't want to and it doesn't matter if we gave it our all trying to prevent it. There comes a time when you stop seeing through a child's eyes and you start seeing through an adult's. Take it from someone who's sadly realized she's already lost her imagination. So if you're reading this, I don't care who you are. If you still have even the tiniest shred of it left, hold it for as long as you can. Don't yearn to grow up too quickly, because childhood only lasts a small portion of your life. I see that now, and I see it because I no longer look through a child's eyes, but rather, an adult's.

EVERYONE FOLLOW THE BEST PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, @iApollo. Seriously, he's an amazing writer. He's currently working on a book called 'Dreamer'. Check it out guys. ^^

Helloooooo to this totally different person who is like me(^~^)!!: )

@dramoineHead Hello :) anyone like me is definitely a friend. Thanks for posting this, and sowwy I saw it so late! You seem really sweet cx