
I published a new chapter in 'Meet The Admins!'. It's really important so please check it out.


          • Spirtsouls life 
          •  Thelost she cats 
          • Broken promises 
          • creeping shadows 
          Will all stay 
          (Roleplays, games and art books and cover makers stay up) 
           You do not need to delete your story just unpublish it the deadline is tomorrow at noon  central time zone 
          ~ Founder Jay 


Hi! You guys are flowing FLickerClanWarriors, or at least what USED to be them. This is an admin of Flickerclan, saying we were HACKED. The hacker might reveal his/her identity, so we will keep you posted. Please report him/her if we find out who did its. Thanks!


Also, kindly do NOT spam what used to be Flickerclan. We don't want the hacker alerted to us telling people.