Thank you Thornybracken and Laketide for starting new books!
And I said this before feel free to add on to "A WARRIORS GUIDEBOOK"
Reminder: When you are online/offline make sure you mark the space next to your name with an 'X' thank you Thornybracken for doing so!!!
Note: If users are not active then I will change your position or you will not be welcomed in the Clan. If you are not able to be active on Wattpad (like I was when I was at camp) please contact either me, my deputy, or my medicine cat who MUST send that information to me.
If you have anything important to tell WarriorsUnited please contact either me, my deputy or my medicine cat who are all trustworthy. If a member doesn't choose to contact me but contacts the deputy or medicine cat, I would still like to be given the message.
If I am not able to be active because I'm on vacation or at camp, or sick, my medicine cat and deputy will fill in for me, so they would be filling in the leader position, but that means both deputy must be active, not all the time but for a good amount of time.
And if you're sick or on vacation feel free to send in a message that you won't be active and we'll understand.
Thank you, and I hope to see more users active.
- Pebblestar