Representation of: Washington DC

Human name: Mia Katherine Jones

Age: 227

Physical age: 18

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 135 lbs

Like: Weaponry, vegetables, capitalism, George Washington, music, family, books, American football, DC and Marvel Comics, baseball and basketball.

Dislike: Tony, fast food, North Korea, Russians, Russia, Germany, Germans, coco-cola, communism, loud voice, alcohol and candy.

Favorite singers/groups: Starset, Twenty One Pilots, Panic At The Disco, Skillet, Eminem, Ryan Lewis and Melanie Martinez.

Big brother: @Alfred-is-HEROO

Merhaba ben Washington temsilcisi Mia Katherine Jones. Huy olarak abime pek benzemem. Ruslar'ı ve Almanlar'ı pek sevmiyorum.

Not: Washington DC'yi benden önce @The_Matmazel yapmıştır ve bu hesaba izin vermiştir.
  • JoinedOctober 7, 2017