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I got an idea! I know what the next book of "The Being Nobody Knows" will be! The next book will be Y/N's comedic, crazy, bizzare, cringy, dark, and funny adventure shenanigans throughout the other series! What I mean from that is that instead of separate books of Y/N going through other universes, it will be compressed into one book. GENIUS! Expect for you awesome readers of Y/N's shenanigans. Will Y/N teabag Adam Smasher and marry Rebecca? Will Y/N return to the Warhammer 40K universe to mess it up again? Will Y/N go to the Kill La Kill universe to make fun of them wearing skimpy outfits? Will Y/N help Uzi from Murder Drones stop killer robots from killing her people? Will Y/N do the Car Shearer dance in front of the council of Piltover and make fun of poor people in Zaun? Well... Stay tuned for the next book!