Hey everyone, WastedWaffles here and I would like to.start by apologizing to any my fans or followers that read my books "Kurai Tsuki Online". Shortly I will be removing the chapters I have published, as I want to rewrite and revamp them. To be honest, when I began writing I did something no aspiring author should do. I started writing a story that really didn't have much of a plot or aim. And due to this, my story has been consistent.. consistantly choppy. Whrre i would frequently hit a mointain of writers block and couldnt update because i simoly wasnt happy with how the book was turning out. The original characters will definitely still be in the story, so no concerns about that. I want to begin rewriting my chapters and will be publishing them on here into one book instead of the two stories that I have posted on my account. If anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns please feel free to drop a message and I will respond as soon as is possible. Also, for anyone who ends up reading this, I would also like to ask you for help. I want to incorporate more characters into the story and so I've decided to allow a few of you to have your own character within the book. All I need from you is this. 1. A name for your character. 2. Gender of course. 3. Weapon/class preference. 4. General personality. 5. A decent background story that leads to who they are and why they are that way. I'm looking to add a total of 6 characters to the story and will move around Pov's every so often. I need 3 male characters, and 3 female characters. I appreciate your time, thank you so very much.

@WastedWaffles 1.) Jo 2.) Female 3.) A fan with wind powers 4.) Quiet sarcastic funny brave mean 5.) Moved around a lot growing up came from a big family

@WastedWaffles ^ Sorry for my horrid grammar, I wrote it quickly and am currently using my phone which has autocorrect disabled.