Well, here I am again two years later. Having a sip while the kid watches his favorite show and my partner is on the night shift. I only every have two hours at the most in the evenings to myself which is why I just have not been able to write anything in literal years. I was in a bad way a month ago and had to have some procedures and treatments done, but I'm doing so much better and trying to take better care of myself for my family's sake. So here I am again, trying to get back into finishing the last chapter or two of RWG because I never gave up on it, just on myself.

I come back to the book at times to check on it, I understand life has a way of getting in the way. One of my favorite stories for sure :)

This is really late but I’m around atm and just want to say, totally get it. I got so busy with university that it zapped my creativity and with all the essays, I didn’t feel like writing. Now it’s the stress of trying to find stable work making it hard to get back into anything creative. Makes me sad because I really do want to start writing again, and do original stuff, but can’t seem to find the energy. I’m glad to see you are still around though. So many people I used to talk with on Wattpad aren’t even active here, let alone writing BBS (I’m guilty as well lol).

Cause of the book, bottom of the deep blue sea is my favorite song. I think of your book every time I hear it