
Hi I just updated what if so go ahead and read it 


Hi Tabby (Do watermelons give you power?)
          I'm stopping by to give you a virtual hug and a big THANK YOU for adding our book Blink to your reading list. Joy and I hope you enjoy it. Please vote if you like it and all of your comments will be answered as we love interacting with our readers. 
          Take it easy.
          Steve and Joy @joycronje


Omg I open my Wattpad app and look in my notifications to see your name and votes everywhere. I really don't know how to thank you enough. You can be rewarded as the best fan of the book. Omg❤️❤️


 YAAAAAAAAY *does my happy dance to whip my hair back and forth* oooo can they have a seen where there all the elements are jamming to that song!?!?!


Heyyy thanks for supporting my book :3 anyway I was just scrolling around and saw your pack so could I join? I eould looooooooove to be the pack's doctor. Btw my wolf's Anae :D


I'll have to ask the alpha but hopefully u can!