
Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I haven’t been online for a long time, I’ve been so busy with school and just so unmotivated but I will try to be more online. Please remember that the roleplay is still open, it just might take me a bit to accept your OC. Thank you.


Hello everyone. I am so sorry that I haven’t been online for a long time, I’ve been so busy with school and just so unmotivated but I will try to be more online. Please remember that the roleplay is still open, it just might take me a bit to accept your OC. Thank you.


My Roleplay has been growing so much and I’m so glad to have everyone that has joined, we have just hit 3k reads! Sadly there are so many people in the Roleplay that all Sandwing, Nightwing and Rainwing spots in all winglets are filled. I am wondering if I should add more winglets?


Yes. Even though no one is really following the entire ‘same winglet shares same caves’ anymore


I have made a Adoption Centre where I create dragon and you can easily adopt them, after you adopt them you can tell me if you want to change anything about the profile and you can use that dragon for whatever you want. I’m a bit stuck on the Dragon OC Generator but I promise I will get it done soon!


I have made a WoF Roleplay and I really need new people in there, so if you could join it would be appreciated. I am also making a WoF character generator and it will hopefully be out really soon!


I will check your OC rn!


@Wattp0dz_Skyw1ng71 hey, I made an oc in there and I would like to ask if you’d be able to approve her whenever you can so I could join in the RP!:)